User Manual

From Poetry MP Wiki
Revision as of 02:19, 1 October 2022 by Admin>Soulmate (→‎Extra)
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The UI of Poetry MP is designed for PC monitors and tablets, while the UI of Poetry Viewer is designed for PC monitors, tablets and mobile phones.


Depending on you had installed the app, the access URL could be:

  1. http://poetryapp.localhost if you had installed the app on local IIS or Apache.
  2. http://localhost:5300 if you run the app directly through the Powershell script or bash script.
  3. if you had installed the app on a Web server.


Without login, the users can view published poems only.

The default password for user admin after installation is "adminPpp*8" and you should alter the password ASAP, and keep the new password in a safe place.


Add / Edit Poem

If you have been writing blogs with HTML formatting, you should be familiar with the basic operations of composing HTML contents, though composing a poem generally does not require rich formatting.

In addition to basic HTML formatting, Poetry MP provides a few more options specially designed for composing poems with notations and images.

Extra HTML Operations

Extra HTML Operations

Insert Sup

This is similar to formatting a piece of text into superscript, however, this operation inserts a numeric superscript incrementally. And the numeric superscripts may be reordered.


Then you click button "Suggest Numbered Annotations" that pops up numeric superscripts which have not been annotated into numbered annotations.

Define Numbered Annotations
Manage Numbered Annotations

When clicking the numeric button, you can input content for the numbered annotation.

Input Numbered Annotation

When the readers of your poetry click a numbered annotation, they will see the content, or a Web paged directed by the Reference URL, or both.

Upload Image and Insert

This is similar to "Insert Image" of basic HTML formatting, however, "Insert Image" is to load a local image and insert to HTML content as BASE64 chunk, while "Upload Image and Insert" is to store the uploaded image to the database and create a reference to the backend of the app.<syntaxhighlight lang="html"> <img class="local" src="api/files/file/e65bb512-1a9d-4a78-ac9e-83d74fbf9e8c.jpeg" alt="Pallas Athena" loading="lazy" decoding="async"> </syntaxhighlight>BASE64 chunk is generally 37% larger than the source data, thus, it is recommended to upload image and insert.

Pick Images and Insert

Images uploaded into the database can be shared across poems.

You may check to select images in "Local Pictures Management".

Paste as Plain Text

The HTML content that you had copied from the other sources may contain over complex or inconsistent or unsafe HTML tags, while generally the HTML content of a poem does not require rich formatting. Thus it is safer and simpler to page HTML content as plain text.

Replace Double Linebreaks with One

HTML provides a few ways of rendering linebreaks. Sometimes content copied from the other sources may contain more than one linebreak between lines. This command will reduce double linebreaks into one.




